Aprielle Oichoe
Senior Advisor, Africa
EXPERTISE // BSc. Computer Science, MSc. Cyber Security
Oichoe is a seasoned professional with over 12 years’ experience in IT and cyber security with a passion for mentorship. She is the founder and Managing Director, Infosphere Limited which is an Information Security Consulting company in Kenya, the Research and special programs Director at Africa Cyber Defense Forum (ACDF) and cofounder of SheLegend, a cyber security mentorship initiative by Infosphere and the President and of the East Africa Women in Cyber Security (WiCyS) affiliate chapter.
CyberHeroines is one of Oichoe’s first initiatives as the Director of special programs ACDF. Oichoe would love to see a world where more young women are confident that they have where it takes to get into cyber security, stay and excel. She would love to see more women in cyber security occupy top management seats in the work place.
Having missed the opportunity to take up her place at the University of Oxford PHD cyber security program due to lack of funds, Oichoe would also love to see a world where young people from economically challenged homes are given the opportunity to pursue cyber security education.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Africa Nazarene University and an master’s degree in from the University of Bradford (UK), and various certification –CISA, ISO 27001 LI/LA, ISO 31000, ISO 22301